
Showing posts from January, 2017

The Digital Marketer’s Toolbox: Free Resources and Tools From Google for Digital Marketing

Do you dream of the day when your website will rank at the top of Google for your targeted keywords? It’s time to stop dreaming and start doing. By taking the right approach to SEO, you will find that your website making its way up the search engine ladder. But, Google has it out for me! Google doesn’t want my website to reach the top position! These are common excuses that I hear time and time again. You can continue to think this way, but remember this: Google remains king, in terms of search market share. While some marketers believe Google is out to get them, others realize that the search engine company actually wants them to succeed. Imagine that! By providing a variety of free marketing tools, Google gives marketers everything they need, in order to succeed. All that you have to do is implement the tools, use them wisely on a regular basis and conti